Wednesday, 3 October 2018

KIM Together River Boat Trip in Chester

Lady Diana Boat Trip 3rd October 2018

KIM 4 Him and KIM 4 Her Flintshire/Wrexham

Today we had 29 intrepid sailors board the Lady Diana for a 2 tour trip down the River Dee.

The Lady Diana is operated by the Chester Boat Company and something I have always wanted to do. Isn't it funny that we quite often don't do things that are right on our doorstep? We live in a beautiful part of the world and take so much of it for granted - I wonder what you can think of, that is near to you, and that you haven't visited yet. It's a good topic for discussion in the KIM groups and is a wonderful way of pooling our local knowledge and piquing  interest in others.

The vast majority of the groups arrived in good time for 2pm sailing. Some arrived a little later and nearly had to swim to the boat - I'm not naming names but I'm looking at you - MEN!!

Some people were anxious about getting on the boat, but with a combination of determination, team bonding and helpfulness from the Skipper you all come on board. A big thumbs up for overcoming the challenge - you can rightfully take confidence from this and draw on your feelings of overcoming an obstacle next time you are unsure. 

We had perfect conditions for the cruise, lovely sunshine and flat calm water. I knew hearing the Titanic theme on Classic FM on my way to Chester was not an omen!!

Everybody seemed to be chatty during the trip and tucking into packed lunches and on-board refreshments. What did you think of the prices to the riverside properties?? 400k for a

All in all, I felt it was a good trip out and people had some amazing outcomes.

A big thank you to Gail and Dave for organising with the groups. 

Thanks to the staff for attending it make it possible - Sian, Scott and, well, me!

Last of all, thank you to everyone that came along - think about what you got out of the day and let us know about it when we evaluate the group in November.

Ready to sail.

4 of the KIM staff ready to escape. Gail seems to have grown!

A view of the Groves from Handbridge.

Wrexham and ready!

Don't jump Dave!!

Captain Alan.

1 comment:

  1. It was great day out and it seemed like everyone had a good time!
